Junior Lifeguarding was back at Camp in 2023
Thanks to staff member Noah Dunn, we were able to offer our campers a unique opportunity to take a Junior Lifeguarding Course. Campers 12 and up who signed up for this class learned the basics of lifeguarding and what getting certified as a Red Cross Lifeguard will entail.

2 Campers learning how to properly whistle! The counselor’s loved it!
The campers learned a variety of new skills in the class. The most popular skill by far was learning the different whistles needed to keep the waterfront safe. Each camper was gifted their very own whistle, much to the joy of their counselors. During class, Noah would instruct the campers on the difference between long and short sounds and when they are appropriate. They also practiced our swim dock whistle system. 1 whistle means buddy check, 2 means continue swimming, and 3 means out of the water!

A camper receives one on one instruction on how to scan the Swim Dock
Safety Tubes
Campers learned how to work with a lifeguarding red tube, and how to execute saves with it. They used the red tube as an extension of their arm to help an active drowning victim, and learned a few ways to swim with a drowning victim with the tube in shallow water.
Swim Dock Set Up
Another important part of the class was learning how lifeguards scan swimmers, and when it is time to react or issue a warning before things become more serious. Along with this, campers learned how to set up a proper lifeguard watch at the Swim Dock. They were told where the right places to stand and the best locations to observe the swing, mats, diving platform, and snorkeling class are.

Camper Lucy takes her Junior Lifeguarding position very seriously!
Real life Practice
Each participant had to shadow a lifeguard during an actual Free Swim. Noah worked out a schedule for all the students to be able to have time during the free period right after 5th period activities for campers to come to the Swim Dock, and work with a counselor assigned to guard during that time. Campers got hands on experience working as a lifeguard at Foley and they all did a marvelous job using the skills they had used in class to scan, blow whistles, and issue safety warnings as needed.

Campers getting instructed by Counselor Noah, our Swim Dock Captain and Lifeguard coordinator at Camp Foley
Wrap up
Upon completion of the program, campers not only learned valuable skills, but received a Junior Lifeguarding Certification! This class is the perfect set up for our campers to get lifeguard certified when they turn 18. They will have a major head start! Big Thank you to counselor Noah Dunn for bringing this awesome class to camp this summer!