Camp Creature: Striped Skunk
“You won’t believe what happened to me last night. I was out on one of my nightly walks around camp when my life flashed before my eyes. Well, that might be dramatic, but I did almost step right on a doe feeding on grubs near the Gaga Pit. I know...
Green Time AND Screen Time.
Environmental Education Week has had me thinking even more than usual about Mother Earth and all she has to offer. My thoughts keep wandering to the youth we have the privilege of spending our summers with, specifically, what are they spending their time on outside of...
Camp Creature: Bullsnake
Crikey, Mate! Don’t. Move. Do you hear that rattle sound? I know what you’re thinking, “Dude, we don’t have rattlesnakes up at camp.” You are correct, but did you know…OH, LOOK! There it is – the elusive Bullsnake. Have no...
Environmental Education Always on the Mind
The school year is well underway and our campers are comfortably immersed back in their every day, hometown lives. As youth developers, our goal is to have a positive impact on youth year-round, not solely during the summer months while campers are in camp. So how can...