This summer Henrik Schleisman, a counselor during 2nd session this 2024 summer, wrote a blog about his experiences as a camper and transitioning into being a counselor. Read his blog below… I first came to camp when I was 11 years old on the recommendation of a...
Foley is quiet for now. We wrote a blog about what a camp day is like for assistant directors here at Foley, but what do we do when the campers are all gone? Come take a peak behind the curtain…. Maintenance Just check out our Maintenance Monday posts on...
A throwback Foley First! In honor of our executive director Marie’s Birthday, here is a blog written in her own words back in 2012. It details a wonderful experience she had with oldest son Peter on our Whitefish Lake. Read all about her Foley first below…...
This summer we were lucky to have international staff from Sweden, Mexico, Colombia, The Netherlands, and Brazil. Caike is from Brazil and joined us for his first summer here at Foley. He followed his brother Caue who joined us last year and came back for his second...
Ever wonder what Ally and Joe are doing all day while you’re running around doing activities? When do they get to camp and when do they leave? As Assistant Directors Joe and I don’t normally teach activities like the counselors do, but don’t...
Camp Foley (noun): the happiest place in the world. There is simply no better way to describe my family’s experience at this place. My uncle has a cabin on the lake over and my second cousin went to camp a long time back, so they decided to tell my parents about it....